YoQi: Qigong Flow for a Happy Spleen & Stomach | YMAA
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YoQi: Qigong Flow for a Happy Spleen & Stomach

by Marisa Cranfill

Qigong Flow for a Happy Spleen & Stomach is a complete routine designed to purge and fortify the spleen, pancreas, and stomach. In TCM , the spleen, pancreas and stomach resonate with the earth element and our capacity to trust life. The spleen is an important organ and is often underrated. Not only does it play a role in our immune system, blood filtration, and digestion, but energetically, it is also the center of stability that supports mental clarity and confidence.
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Release date: 
October 27, 2020
Number of discs: 
Run time: 107 min
Narration: English
Menu: English


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S6991Run time: 107 min
Narration: English


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D6991 & S6991
Number of discs: 
Run time: 107 min
Narration: English
Average: 3.8 (4 votes)
Skill Level: 1 2 3

Connect to your center, get grounded, and support healthy digestion.

Qigong Flow for a Happy Spleen & Stomach is a complete routine designed to purge and fortify the spleen, pancreas, and stomach. In TCM , the spleen, pancreas and stomach resonate with the earth element and our capacity to trust life. The spleen is an important organ and is often underrated. Not only does it play a role in our immune system, blood filtration, and digestion, but energetically, it is also the center of stability that supports mental clarity and confidence.

A happy spleen is a stable spleen. Poor diet, excessive stress, worry, or neglect of the body can weaken the spleen and lead to numerous problems, such as digestive issues, fatigue, nausea, foggy head, body aches, and self-doubt. Qigong Flow for a Happy Spleen & Stomach uses specific qigong movements that cultivate centering and grounding. The flows focus on balancing yin and yang, connecting to the three forces (heaven, earth, and human), and using energy-ball techniques to fortify the lower dan tian energy center. Choose this routine to promote healthy digestion and grounding, transform worries, make decisions, clear the mind, and balance fatigue. Filmed in Joshua Tree National Park, California.

About the Author

Marisa Cranfill

Marisa Cranfill is the founder of YOQI yoga + qigong. Frequent trips to Asia as a child inspired Marisa to study academically and work there for over 15 years. While living in China and Thailand she received direct transmission from Qigong masters, nuns and healers in both the Buddhist and Taoist traditions. Marisa developed YOQI over years of teaching Yoga and Qigong at meditation retreats. She found that both practices contained key principles and techniques that enhanced the student’s stamina and sensitivity to energy during the long seated meditation sessions. The routines reduced physical pain and gave them more focus and quality of awareness. This became the catalyst to extract a clear and effective program of mindful movement, accessible to everyone, that maintains the integrity of the ancient Yoga and Qigong traditions.