Qi Gong Five Elements Energy Balance | YMAA
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Qi Gong Five Elements Energy Balance

by Lee Holden

Enjoy the power and grace of this classic sequence of movements. Feel connected to your inner power, connected to your flow, relaxed into the present moment.
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Release date: 
October 1, 2018
Number of discs: 
Run time: 45 min
Narration: English
Menu: English


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S5666Run time: 45 min
Narration: English


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D5666 & S5666
Number of discs: 
Run time: 45 min
Narration: English
Average: 3.2 (38 votes)
Skill Level: 1 2 3

The five elements represent the energy in nature and in you. Each element connects to an internal organ, a body system, and positive and negative emotions. Working with the elements demonstrates the integration  between all things. Emotions affect the body, and the body affects the mind. This routine helps us to find balance and harmony from the inside out.

The five elements represent the energy in nature, one energy differentiating into many forms. Water flows down the mountain and becomes the trees, the trees reach up toward the sky to absorb the fire of the sun, the sun awakens life throughout the Earth, and Earth condenses into the precious metals deep under the soil.

You are part of this five-element cycle, all the elements manifesting within, keeping us connected to nature. This routine balances the five elements within us. When the elements and energy are balanced inside, we feel happy, healthy, and whole.

This routine opens the meridian lines, the rivers of energy that flow through your body and energize the internal organs.

Enjoy the power and grace of this classic sequence of movements. Feel connected to your inner power, connected to your flow, relaxed into the present moment.


            • To harmonize your energy with nature

            • To balance your qi circulation

            • To control your energy and emotions

Qi Gong: Five Elements Energy Balance demonstrates the five-element cycle as a means to foster harmony with nature in one's every day life, and harness one's energy and emotions to their full potential.  This DVD is an excellent supplement to fitness DVD collections, highly recommended especially for anyone interested in partaking in the benefits of Qi Gong.—Midwest Book Review, DVD Shelf

About the Author

Lee Holden

Lee Holden is the Qigong Master featured regularly on public television across America for many years. Lee first discovered the power of Qi at an early age of 10 years old from his parents’ meditation lessons. Lee studied a variety of different martial arts including Karate, Kung Fu, and Capoeira and had an early interest in Taoism, Qi Gong, and Chinese Medicine. After college, Lee set out on a path of self discovery by traveling to Asia, and was hired to write books for Qigong Master Mantak … More »