Kage The Shadow: A Connor Burke Martial Arts Thriller | YMAA
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Kage The Shadow: A Connor Burke Martial Arts Thriller

by John Donohue, Ph.D.

In the seemingly trackless waste of the desert outside Tucson, Arizona, a coyote cross border smuggler is found dead, another victim of the escalating violence on the southwest border.


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Release date: 
July 1, 2011
Paperback: 240 pages
8.14 × 5.42 × 0.75 in
ISBN: 9781594392108


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Release date: 
July 1, 2011
4.65 MB


$16.26Save: $6.68 (29%)

Release date: 
July 1, 2011
Paperback: 240 pages
8.14 × 5.42 × 0.75 in
ISBN: 9781594392108

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Average: 5 (1 vote)
Skill Level: 1 2 3

Goals—what you are fighting for changes every element of how you fight

If you fight, you fight for a goal and you fight in an environment.

In a sport environment you want to win quickly and decisively, with solid assurances that your opponent will be able to get up and compete again tomorrow.

In a combat environment you also want to win quickly and decisively, but with solid assurances that your adversary cannot get up and re-engage.

In the tricky space between sport and combat, termed "drunkle" (a commingling of the words drunk and uncle), you may be wrangling an out-of-control friend or relative, someone you need to restrain but do not want to injure. This puts the responsibility of their safety entirely on you.

Understanding these environments is vital! Appropriate use of force is codified in law and any actions that do not accommodate these rules can have severe repercussions. Your martial art techniques must be adapted to best fit the situation at hand.

The authors analyze 30 fundamental strikes, kicks and locks, and present 12 well-known sport competition forms modified for each of the three vital environments: Sport, Drunkle, and Combat.

Be Smart. Know how to adapt.


eLit Award - Bronze Winner - 2012

USA Best Books Award - Finalist - 2012

About the Author

John Donohue, Ph.D.

A nationally known expert on the culture and practice of the martial arts, John Donohue has been banging around dojo for more than 30 years. Fascinated with the themes of human action and potential he uncovered in his research, John began thinking about the fictional possibilities inherent in the world of the martial arts. He began working in earnest on Sensei, the first Connor Burke thriller, in … More »