SPRING Five Elements Qigong (Streaming) | YMAA

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SPRING Five Elements Qigong (Streaming)

by Nick Loffree

Healing Springtime Qigong for Liver Meridian, Stress, Anger, Digestion and Back Pain Relief with Master Nick Loffree.

Code: S2993Duration: 31 min

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Qigong Master Nick Loffree guides you through a follow along routine of Healing Qigong for Spring.

In qigong, the intricate relationship between the Spring season and the Wood element plays a significant role in guiding practitioners toward harmonizing their energy and promoting overall well-being. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, the five elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—correspond to different seasons, organs, and energetic qualities within the body. Spring and the Wood element represent growth, renewal, and the upward movement of energy. This alignment between the season and element is pivotal in qigong practices, as it allows you to attune yourself to the natural rhythms of the environment and harness the transformative energy of Spring to nurture your vitality.

During Spring, the energy in the natural world begins to rise, and plants sprout with new life. In qigong, practitioners focus on cultivating and harmonizing the Wood element within themselves, benefiting the vital organ of Spring, the liver, and fostering the smooth flow of energy (Qi) throughout the body. Qigong exercises for the Spring season often involve movements that mimic the growth and stretching of trees and plants, promoting flexibility, strength, and the release of stagnant energy.

Beginning at the end of Winter, as the cold is still fading, your Spring qigong should include breathwork and visualization techniques to connect with the Wood element's attributes of expansion and upward movement.

By aligning your practice with the energetic qualities of Spring and the Wood element, this qigong routine will enhance your overall health and vitality while fostering a deeper connection to nature. Filmed high in the mountains of Idaho, USA in early Spring.

This Five Elements series is composed of five parts, in five individual video lessons based on the annual seasons (sold separately), including:

Healing Qigong for Spring / Qigong for Liver Meridian, Stress, Anger, Digestion and Back Pain Relief / Wood Element (31 min)

Calming Qigong for Summer / Healthy Heart Qigong for Anxiety and Silk Reeling for Chronic Pain / Fire Element (30 min)

Centering Qigong for Late Summer / Digestion, Worry, Stomach, & Spleen Relief / Earth Element (19 min)

Nourishing Qigong for Autumn / Healthy Lungs and Immune System / Metal Element (29 min)

Energizing Qigong for Winter / Lower Dan Tian, Kidney Qi, and Vitality with Zhan Zhuang / Water Element (23 min)

Nick Loffree is a Bioenergetic Health expert who came to his path through trial and error after several head traumas and being diagnosed with psychosis in 2008. He combined the contemporary psychiatric approach with his own efforts in meditation, yoga, nutrition, eastern medicine, biohacking, qigong, and many forms of fitness, martial arts, and movement modalities to uncover the keys to health and healing in himself. He was a dedicated top student and employee of Lee Holden for years and has been teaching qigong around the world since 2014.

Visit: Nick Loffree Qigong Teacher Training, Spring/Summer 2024. Become a certified Qigong Teacher!

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