YOQI: Qigong Flow for a Happy Liver (Streaming) | YMAA

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YOQI: Qigong Flow for a Happy Liver (Streaming)

by Marisa Cranfill

Qigong Flow for a Happy Liver is a complete routine designed to support the liver and gallbladder. In traditional Chinese medicine, the vibration of the liver resonates with the wood element, the season of spring, and the capacity for growth. The liver is the largest digestive organ in the body, performing hundreds of different jobs to filter the blood and keep the body free from toxins. Energetically, it oversees the smooth flow of qi through the blood, muscles, and tendons. As an organ of detoxification and qi flow, the liver is affected by stress, anger, heat, toxins, and pollution.

Code: S7035Duration: 123 min

Average: 3 (10 votes)

Qigong Flow for a Happy Liver is a complete routine designed to support the liver and gallbladder. In traditional Chinese medicine, the vibration of the liver resonates with the wood element, the season of spring, and the capacity for growth.

The liver is the largest digestive organ in the body, performing hundreds of different jobs to filter the blood and keep the body free from toxins. Energetically, it oversees the smooth flow of qi through the blood, muscles, and tendons. As an organ of detoxification and qi flow, the liver is affected by stress, anger, heat, toxins, and pollution.

A healthy and happy liver is a resilient liver; it is both flexible and strong. Qigong Flow for a Happy Liver cultivates this concept of resiliency using a style of qigong called the Swimming Dragon. The characteristic of the Swimming Dragon uses joint spirals and twists to release tension, detoxify the liver, nourish tendons, and get the qi flowing.Choose this routine to see new perspectives, increase your energy, detoxify the system, support liver health, transform frustration, cultivate kindness, and put your creative vision into action. Filmed in the Redwood National Park forest in northern California.

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